Adding Clusters to Spaceship

The Continuous Delivery Engine delivers the images you build on the Magic Container Registry to your Kubernetes clusters. Spaceship works with any current version of Kubernetes and you can host your clusters on any cloud or hosting provider. You can even use clusters running locally on your computer, set up with tools like minikube or kind.

Spaceship connects to your cluster with the Spaceship Agent. This is a small application that runs inside your cluster. It does not require any inbound connectivity, so you do not need to open a firewall or expose a public service. The agent will reach out to the Spaceship platform to connect and receive commands. The agent is open source and we encourage you to read through the code (contributions are gladly accepted!)

To create a cluster, you only need to give it a name, such as "Production" or "Staging". Once added, there will be a link to set up your cluster:


This will show a command you can run against your cluster to install the Spaceship Agent.


Once installed, the Cluster should show as online.
