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The first thing you'll create on the Spaceship platform is an App. Each App connects to a repository on GitHub, which lets Spaceship build container images with the Magic Container Registry and delivery those containers through the Continuous Delivery Engine.

Step 1

Head the Apps page for your Team and click the New App button.


Step 2

If you haven't installed our GitHub App before, you'll need to install it on the organizations that own the repositories you're connect to Spaceship.

Only GitHub Organization owners can install GitHub Apps. If you're not an owner of your GitHub Organization, you can request that an owner complete the install. They will be notified of the request and can approve it without having a Spaceship account.



Once the Spaceship Connect GitHub App is installed, you'll be able to create an App from any of the repositories you've granted it access to. If you don't see a particular organization or repository, you can click the link to install the GitHub App on other organizations or change the repositories it can see.


Step 3

Finally, you'll give your App a name (don't worry, you can change it later) and hit Create App to finish setting it up.